About the Tasks

This section contains descriptions of course tasks. Materials will be posted on a weekly basis. Please note that these pages populate information about course related tasks on the left hand side when they are assigned. Due dates are given with the description of each task.

There are a lot of moving parts to this class. Students who gain the most out of the course generally follow these general notions:

  1. Engaging with the readings and materials;
  2. Putting in a good faith effort but also asking for help when needed;
  3. Keeping a respectful, open, and honest line of communication with me and your peers if possible.


Unless noted otherwise, all submissions must adhere to the following formatting

  • Cover page1 consisting of
    • 12-point Times New Roman font
    • A working title in bold
    • Your name underneath
    • Top left justified
  • Main Body2
    • 12-point Times New Roman font
    • Double spaced
    • 1-inch margins
    • Supporting Pages/Documents
    • References

eCampus portal submissions must follow the proper naming structure:


in Microsoft Word formatting (.doc is acceptable as well). For example, the first literature review assignment (L1) would be submitted by me as Roy_Abhik_L1.docx.

General Course Makeup


You are expected to attend class regularly, participate in class discussions, and provide constructive feedback to others in the course. Your overall class participation grade will be based on (a) attending class and arriving in a timely manner, (b) actively discussing the class materials, (c) engaging others in the class, (d) contributing information and experiences when needed, and (e) providing informative feedback to others. A list of these out-of-class tasks are given below:

Literature Reviews

Six literature assignments will be given throughout the summer session. These assignments are designed to give you practice in developing the mechanics of a literature review. An evaluation of the work will be contingent on suitable progress toward a final product.

Designation Title Due Link Notes
L0 Getting Started on a Literature Review 1/28/22 WVU Libraries Workshop Registration is limited and time dependent! This takes place at 2:00pm - 3:15pm on January 28 so please make prior arrangements to attend the session.
L1 Selecting a Topic and Annotated Bibliography 2/8/22 L1 5 enties
L2 Entending the Annotated Bibliography 2/22/22 L2 25 entries
L3 Outlining Your Literature Review 3/8/22 L3 entire literatre review matrix
L4 The First Draft 3/29/22 L4 750-1250 words
L5 The Second Draft 4/12/22 L5 2000-2500 words
L6 The (Never) Final Draft 5/3/22 L6 2500-4000 words
P1 The Research Spiel 5/3/22 P1 3 minute (+/- 10 seconds) timespan

Through an iterative process, you will construct a full literature review. The final draft is a narrative between 10-15 pages (L6), double spaced with 12-point Times New Roman font with proper APA 7th Edition formatting. Please note that additional pages including cover pages and a bibliography section are required but do not count as part of the narrative.


You will give a two to three minute pitch that addresses the entire breadth of your literature review followed by Q&A session. An evaluation of the work will be contingent on staying within the allotted timeframe, covering adequate content, and addressing questions with proper professional tones and response sets.


These are class tasks that either occur within class, as homework, or both. Assignments will vary depending on the topic covered.

Need Help?

I typically prefer a face-to-face meetings but until that’s safe, please schedule a Zoom session using the calendar or contact me on Slack by adding @Dr. Abhik Roy to your message.

  1. not in APA 7th Edition formatting ↩︎

  2. APA 7th Edition formatting ↩︎